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Friday, March 16, 2007

two days of CeBit are over...

This is Ellie Ono, a good friend of mine who works normally our of Texas.

...two day of meet and greet with M A N Y folks. Quite a fiew of them are popotetial buyers and that youd be great. We aslo had the Debuty to the American Embassador at our stand.
(Pic, will follow)
Later in the afternoon, I felt the urge to bond with my people from Baden-Wuerttember and snactch up a nice pen and a key ring holder. So I go over there and walkright up, waht looks like a baar, since I see I jar of the object's of my desire. Well, Just around tat wery corner is a podium set up with a microphone and in the back it announces the MinisterPresisdedaent von Baden-Wuerttember (which would be a Governer in the US). He walks up. Holds a short speech, turns around and get a beer offered. Takes one and then sees me, offers me one, (YES), walked around towards me and we "cling" the bottles. ( a guy working at my stand said that Herr Dr. Oettinger had only eyes for me:) Another reporter wants us to say prost and so we do it again. I am sure, i will Show up somewhere tonight or tomorrow in the German press media...

After 6 pm, we are invited for free food and wine from the State of CA, beats baying for dinner:)

And I got home early tonight, to have a bubble batch, it is actually a yacuccy bath and it feels great on aching bones.

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Blogger How do i get to my old stuff said...

You look sharp. I can't wait to hear all about it. :)



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