Rest-Day and Chica Ride
What a beautiful day we had here in Omaha. Almost 80 degrees and Sunshine!!
I picked these Daffodils in my yard, aren't; they pretty? I normally leave them outside, but the frost had pushed the blooms down and so, I came to the rescue and now they make my living room look pretty.
Tonight was out first Monday Nite Chica Ride. I didn't want to go at first, because, today was to be a day off they bike, but I thought, I few slow laps at Swanson can't hurt (in hope that some beginners show up). Well, Pam and Charlene, Charlys Mom, came and we had a good ride. Unfortunately, did Charlene biff pretty hard, butt bless her heart, she got back on the bike and ket on going. I hope she is OK....
Dang, those are cool. I have a green thumb but don't apply it much. I leave that up to others for me to enjoy. Someday, though, I'll reapply that talent. Keep those pics coming.
Thanks Marc. I normally like to let my flowers live outside and rarely bring them in but thus year, I have so many that I can clip a few here and there and have a little bouquet for the side table:)
yeah, those are really pretty
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