Road Ride
As you know, I am a vivid gardener and every gardener likes rain...but enough is enough.
I had things to do during the day. Amongst them was a job interview. Cross your fingers! I really want to start working again.
Martin left to fly to Boston and by the time I wanted to ride it rained...
NOT AGAIN, our MTB trails will never dry out and the bugs will grow to monster sizes....argh:(
Well, after checking the weather pages, I waited out the rain and hit the Keystone afterwards.
Not a very exciting ride, but good enough to get my workout in. I even explored a new road with a longer hill to ride back home. Yes, I am actually looking for hills.
Saturday's Lewis & Clark race is looming out there. It is such a hard course to ride. It kicks my behind every time I try t ride it. I call that place also a confidence-sucker. So don't go there if you need a booster:) But it sure will show you your place in the MTB world.
You aren't the only one who has mentioned that L&C is a tough ride. I'm planning on going but to ensure no accidents, I am going to take it nice and easy. It would just be nice to have a weekend without an accident. I'd like to think they exist. hehe
Good luck Saturday and see you there. :)
Yeah, watch your "step" out there:)
There some steep downhills. I personally don't have a problem with those (must have been a DH in my former life) but the climbing will get you...make sure your GrannyGear is working:)
Hey VeloCC! I read your post that you could give some technical pointers on XC MB. I'm planning on doing L&C this weekend - my 2nd race ever. I did ok at Swanson, but I hear this was is treacherous. Tips? you can email me at or post to my blog at
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