Big roots, small roots
Everybody would agree that big roots are more scary than smaller roots.
I thought so too, until I headed to the dentist this morning and he took one of the crowns of my bottom molars off, to tell me that he has to work on the root canal.
He showed me those little suckers and they look pretty scary! And I have to go back tomorrow for more treatment...
So next time, I see a big scary looking root out riding, I will remind myself of that and just lift my bike over it and off I go. So much easier, less painful and cheaper:(
Other than that my day was pretty uneventful. I applied for another job and I worked in the yard for about an hour. I am preparing a new bed for my hostas. It was full of ground covers and I need to hand till it to get all the roots out...guess roots where my enemies today.
I got half of the bed done, when it started raining, so I have to finish it tomorrow.
That has a good side. As long as it isn't finished I can't plant anything, but I am already planning:)

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