Die Bergziege is limping...
...well limping is a bit much but I am still sore from last week's race and so I took it really easy this week with the riding. The problem area sits, or better I almost sit on it, when I ride and I can't loosen it up riding I have stretching and my PT , who is working on my neck and shoulder showed me a great stretch for that area as well.
We will see how I will do tomorrow. Martin and I will head town to Crowder to pre ride the course for Saturday. I am riding now the Intense Spider for the XC races.
I meant to ride today but today was just a busy day for me and I had an important day as well.
As some of you know, I have been job hunting for a while now and that is something that, at least I don't enjoy a bit. Well, today, I had an interview with a company here in town and I don't want to name the name yet, for privacy reasons. They actually made it as a double interview and then they sent you home with a flyer saying to check your email frequently, as they would let us know, what happens next, by email. If we are in further consideration, there would be a background ckeck. Whatev...
The interviews went OK and I even found out that the company, that is in 10.9 miles distance from the house, has a gym and showers:) Yeah!! Commuter friendly.
I might be able to jump on the summer-ride -to-work-band-wagon after all....
By the time I got home, I already had an email from their assigned security company to fill out several pages online so they can do their online check...is that a good sign or not?
I think it is. They wouldn't spend the money on me if they weren't interested me??
All in all, a VERY exciting day!
Bad news, all of a sudden in the afternoon, I felt like cold symptoms coming on....I DON'T NEED A COLD RIGHT NOW. I am taking Zykam and hoping to fight it away.
Did some planting, since a lot of stores reduced their plants and bought some roses, honeysuckle and one more hosta for my colllection, it was only $ 5 for a mature plant (1/2 off)
Now I have seen Sydney's Watergarden and I already know my next project. I think, I have some water lily seed somewhere that a friend of mine gave me last year....dream...
Well, I better go back to sleep. Tomorrow and Saturday will be two "race" days and I have to defend my first position In the Heartland Series
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