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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nebraska State Championships at Swanson

Veni Vedi Veci, well almost, I made second or SILVER in the State Championships.

It was a 2-lap race for the beginner class and I gave it all, but Sherri, the other NORBA license holder beat me by about a minute. Good job Sherri!

We actually had a good field of beginner women, even though I was missing some of the good competition that had been racing this season.

Martin couldn't race, so he got a few good shots of me:)
Good Sprint up the hill into the single track
(did OK for once!)

Can you tell, I am tired?
And glad to be done:)

Oh, and I was third in this race, but Jamie, who made first, doesn't have a yearly NORBA license, so she wasn't eligible for the State Championships

To make things even more confusing: I made third, second and first with this race.....

Third in this race
Second in the NE State Championships
FIRST OVERALL in my class in the PSYCOWPATH SERIES for 2007.
With that, I win free entry for all the races of this race series for the next season, but I have to move up to Sport.
It will be a good challenge


Blogger mtb05girl said...

Way to go!!!!


Blogger VeloCC said...

Thanks Amanda:)


Blogger Adrian Olivera said...

Great job Christine! Nice pics Martin!


Blogger How do i get to my old stuff said...

Congratulations, Christine! Now get ready for 'cross!


Blogger Jeff Kerkove said...



Blogger VeloCC said...

Thanks everybody! It's been a good season and I had a lot of support from very wonderful people!!! You guys helped along big time:D

Syd, I want to do 'cross. Just gotta figure out that bike thing. Don't have any $$ to buy a cross bike right now:(


Blogger LoupGarou said...

Great job congratulations.



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