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Monday, September 17, 2007

Translation and Language Services 4U

I am proud to announce the birth of a .... no, not what you think.... no, it is "just" a BLOG!!

Translation and Language Services 4U
It's not all worked out yet, but the basic structure is up.

I wan to use it to make some advertisement for my translation business and I am hoping with the power of Google and Co., that some folks might find my blog through searches for a translator.

So, if you need a translator, preferably English to German or need/want some German lessons, please feel free to contact me.

I am trying to build this up into a business that I could live off. I have fun doing it and the $$ isn't too bad either:)

I also decided to try myself in keeping a German online diary/blog Maisfelder in Nebraska
but I am not sure, where that one will take me and sorry, but I will write in German. I'd like to see, who is out there responding to that and I need to practice my German....
Tübingen, the town I went to Law School at....good times:)


Blogger How do i get to my old stuff said...

Looks good, velocc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Best of luck!


Blogger Jill Homer said...

Too cool! Good luck with your endeavour.



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