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Sunday, May 18, 2008


I finally had a three day weekend, as it should be. (I normally work four 10 hour days and then have three days off)

The weather was absolutely gorgeous. I got some work done in the yard. Even though I still haven't bought any annuals. But we put our goldfish out in a bigger pond and I got a few water plants for the pond.
The fish I are digging their new digs. I just have to find a source where I can find some cheaper water plants...

Today was the Platte River Marathon. I didn't ride this year, but Martin did and he did pretty well.
I went out later to bring out a bottler of champagne because we had a reason to CELEBRATE

ROXY and RYAN got engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for them.
to both of you!!!!!!!

Well, that is it is for right now. Tomorrow, will start a new week, where I hope to increase my riding time to and from work.

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