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Monday, January 29, 2007

Who says Jack Russell Terriers are hyper?

OK, this picture wasn't taken today but it could have been, only that the photographer left to go to D.C.. How better can you spent an evening in this cold weather, with your hubby gone, than hanging out with Mr. Whiskers.
After my dentist appointment today (ouch!), I got all my will power together to go to the gym.
Hence the need to rest my head on something warm and fuzzy:)
Does anybody know if we are supposed to get more snow? I don't mind the snow, but I don't like this icy stuff.

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Trying to get a picture added to my profile... far I can only get them in a post, but at least you get to see them.
This is a very unhappy CC, sitting on chairlift, getting ready to throw herself off another mountain top. That is on a pair of skis, on perfect snow, in perfect weather and in wonderful company (Mr. M) .

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Race Season 2007

I can't believe that the first race of 2007 is already in the end of February. That is way too early! But I guess, ignorance works only till the first race starts and then what, so pedal, pedal, pedal...
Today we had the first THOR meeting of the year. Thanks to the Bike Masters for hosting it. We got a good thing rolling. All I can say is: "Watch out Wheeds, we don't have respect for you!"
Well, I gotta take Mr. Whiskers out and then it is almost time to go to bed.

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Good Morning

Saturday, January 27, 2007

VeloCC says hello to the Omaha area!

Well, it has been a while in the making, at least in my head, to start my own blog to reflect on my daily "stuff" as I call it and I finally took the time to sit down to get started. There are many different things I to want write about. But there will be plenty of time:)
A lot of you know me propbably through the mtbiking. I raced last year the beginner's women and made second overall, I also play bike Polo on Sunday afternoons and for about a months, I am the proud owner of a Trek Pilot 2.1. Is hasn't beem ridin out on the road but very laoyaly on the trainer. Can't wait for weahter to warm up one can ride longernin the evening.
Well, It is time for me to go to bed and some sleep. I will write some more tomorrow. In the meantime, you can try to fugure out what all the words on my blogtitile mean.....:)))

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