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Monday, June 30, 2008

Yard Impressions

These EVIL things came off our walnut trees in the last storm. I couldn't believe it......

But since I had the camera out, I took some more picture of nicer things.

to be continued


Monday, June 23, 2008

Green Team at work

Well, I do have a Green Team at home, but we do also have a Green Team at work to help the environment and reduce our carbon foot print.
My company does a lot and we are constantly trying to improve things to go "greener"
Our Omaha Team, just collected enough money to replace a gas guzzling truck with an electrical golf cart for our security team to patrol our parking lot.
Our headquarters in San Jose, CA have a building that is powered by Solar Panels and the building materials inside a for a big part recycled.
My big concern is our high consumption of plastic cups that not recyclable:(
We do need to get rid of those.


Friday, June 20, 2008

First Day of Summer

My Hosta bed is growing....

Well, my Hostas are growing, but the bed is growing as well. I am tearing out ground-covers to be able to plant more of the plants I love: Hostas, Lilies of the Valley and other beauties.

I also got some petunias today to have something more color
in the flowerbeds.
(Even though my Hostas are starting to bloom as well)

My lilies are getting ready to opening up....
I can't wait....

testing my new phone

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gas prices

I know that everybody is complaining about the gas prices here and I know it does hurt to fill up the car, but I talked to my Mom about the the prices in Germany.
I found this web site
Gas prices in Germany

And a 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liter

1 liter of German gas is 1,542 €. So 1 US gallon would be 1,542 € x 3.78541178=5.8371€

So far, not so scary yet, now we have to to the conversion into $, comes out

at a gallon for $9.0580.

That is the price everybody pays over "there" every day. And yes they don't like it, but they come up with ideas to conserve energy.

For example drive a Smart Car It gets 40/45 mpg. And it is cute.

There is always the old and trusted bike

What are you doing??


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gardenwalk and some diggin

Just few pictures of my beuaties....

This Honeysuckle took three years to start blooming...

A newly plantly planted Clematis gives back with gorgeous blooms...

Clematis kingdom

BIG Daddy

Well, just a few shots and so more things to come. I just planted tons of Lilly of the Valley. Can 't wait for them to come up and show their beauty:)

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