A dog's life...from rescue dog to legwarmer
Mr.D seems very comfy:-)
To all that don't know him. This is Dodger or Mr. D as we call him.
He is a rescue dog from the Jack Russell Terrier Rescue in Omaha
We got Mr.D when he was 11 years old. He was given up twice before and we just recently found out that he has bee-bee shots in his chest...
Dodger will turn 14 on the first of July and a few months ago we thought we would loose him to a liver desease. He is better now, but he is getting older.
Dodger is very food-protective and we had several fights in the house where he attacked Mr. Whiskers...not good, but we have figured out what triggers him and have it under control.
Other than that he is the most wonderful and beautiful dog (yes, I am subjective:). Very loyal and loving and we hope that he is given a few more years before he goes to doggy heaven.
Labels: dogs rock, jack russell terrier, JRT RESCUE